Upon returning to my hotel after all my goodbyes I sent this letter to Leah Moore to send to the organization.
To the Union,
Some of you might know me as the as one of the interns in the annex, others as intern #2, others as they guy who sends you that Daily Clips email you delete daily, but most of you know me as the intern who played quiz master at this year’s holiday party.
The life of an intern is never easy, the days are long, you’re unsure of your abilities and the pay is well… Then again the rewards of being an intern are priceless. This time last year I decided to quit my career in accounting and finally follow the dreams of my inner 10 year old. I joined the Union a 32 year old still trying to figure out what I wanted to do in my life. I now leave a 33 year old with a much clearer path.
I cannot thank all of you enough for the opportunity to serve as one of your communications intern for the past three months. I will never forget the experience as well as the kindness shown to me by each and every one of you whom I worked with in Chester. The Union has built something special from the ground up and you all should be proud of what you have built.
To my fellow interns, your time with the Union is special. The connections we make here can lead to long term friendships as well as future employment. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity. Learn from everyone you can, do not be afraid to ask anyone a question about your goals. It never hurts to ask. It was a pleasure meeting all of you during our weekly meetings and seeing your ideas during your presentations. Leah has done a great job in running the internship program and making us all feel like family, which was big for this homesick boy from Boston.
I move on to my next internship with the New England Revolution, but the Union will also have a place in my heart. It will be a sad day when I retire my Union hat to my career hat rack.
“Saying goodbye, why is it sad? Makes us remember the good times we’ve had.”
Thank you,
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